
Chippin' in for saint jude

Youth law enforcement program
The Livingston Youth Law Enforcement Program is accepting applications from individuals entering the 9th grade (14 years of age) and/or individuals who are no more than 20 years of age. If you’re interested, please fill out an application and someone on our team will contact you. Please allow minimum of two weeks for your application to be processed”
“Once you’ve completed your application, forward the information to and“

Sheriff Jason Ard Scholarship Application
Sheriff Jason Ard’s Scholarship and Educational Fund will award scholarships to students in Livingston Parish Schools. This effort is a meaningful expression of the Program’s confidence in, and respect for, education and training.


Hunter Safety
Hunter Education provides a foundation for safe and responsible hunting. Due to hunter education, hunting accidents have dropped significantly. Each year some 18,000 individuals graduate from a hunter education course in Louisiana.